Silver Team Workout

Here is your workout and protocol for completing the workout. 

The workout begins on Monday, March 30th, 2015. 
The workout is to be done everyday (excluding Sundays). The ONLY exception to completing this workout is if there is a STUNT practice or CONDITIONING at practice. The workout is expected to be completed even during breaks or holidays (including Spring break, Memorial day, 'Summer Vacation', etc.)  
Please 'check-in' or Text to let your coach know you have completed the workout by using the comment function. (Please note that this workout is mandatory and coaches will be keeping track of who is and is not completing the workout. No workout, No Stunting, No exceptions.)

The check in should look as follows:

(Name)- Workout Completed: (date) (time)

Example: 'Coach- Workout Completed: 3/30/15 (8am)'



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